Barkley Road by Lucy Quin, Artwork by Jack Morris: The Anxiety/Release Collaboration #3

28 Apr


Creatives Making A Difference

‘Supporting Mental Health’


Welcome to the third collaboration in an eight week, fortnightly engagement with the emotions of anxiety and release.  For this particular collaboration we have paired four artists and four poets together. The poets have taken up the theme of anxiety, and the artists, in response, are engaging  with the theme of release. In so doing we’re attempting to artistically and accessibly engage with the dynamics between the two emotions- the clashes and the spectrum between the two contrasting feelings. The poets and artists have been exchanging ideas over a number of weeks and what you’ll be seeing as the weeks roll by is the diverse expression of that exchange.
 The idea is that we will also eventually group these collaborations together into exhibitions and installations to further promote public awareness and engagement with these issues. Your feedback on this project would be very much welcomed.


This week’s collaboration features

Lucy Quin and Jack Morris (artist)


.Jack Morris

19 Barkley Road


Barkley Rd


It’s always the same dream,
your house is now empty
and the night is lilac purple.
I search the hollow rooms
for childhood memories
under a sky of burnt out stars.
You’re seen only in bursts.
Memories crawl and dance
like shadows along all the walls,
but I lose sight of you
and the house collapses,
everything drops around me.
Clawing at the darkness,
I fall fast and heavy,
eyes dart to catch glimpses of you
as they play like movies,
but they move too quickly —
they always move much too quickly.
It is then I wake up
and I lay very still.
I think of you and your new home,
grass has grown over you —
how running my fingers
along the top of your gravestone
feels nothing at all like
holding your hand in mine.


You can find more about Lucy and Jack here: .

Lucy Quin

You can see Lucy’s Weekend Showcase  here.


Jack Morris

Jack will be having a Weekend Showcase on ArtiPeeps this Friday


Please do come back for the last Anxiety and Release Collaboration on Tuesday 13th May  featuring poet Lauren Coulson and artist Cliona Sheehan.

 Tomorrow we’ve got writer Estrella Azul’s second FreeSpace. Do take a look. 

 Thank you for your interest.



Transformations Kickstarter Campaign

14 Twitter poets, 15 Twitter artists, 1 Contemporary reworking of Ovid’s Metamorphoses

Please do take a look: 

 Campaign short code

Campaign Video short code



3 Responses to “Barkley Road by Lucy Quin, Artwork by Jack Morris: The Anxiety/Release Collaboration #3”

  1. Gill O April 28, 2014 at 12:33 pm #

    This is a heartstopper – made me catch my breath.

  2. Rod Kok April 28, 2014 at 3:25 pm #

    Wow. I am in awe at the words written, and the art that goes along with it. Amazing work Lucy & Jack. My favorite lines: ‘I search the hollow rooms for childhood memories under a sky of burnt out stars’. Stunning. You’ve both done the collaboration proud!

    • ArtiPeeps April 28, 2014 at 4:26 pm #

      Dear Rod, Thanks for your kind words. I’ll pass them onto Lucy and Jack.

      All good wishes,


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