Alfheim: Movement and Light 4/4 The Nine Realms- Poems and Writing

24 Jul

nine realms8

The Nine Realms

9 months, 19 poets and writers, 22 Artists, 3 composers, 1 Viking boat: a magical reworking of Norse Mythology for contemporary audiences



(the realm of the Elves)


Karin Heyer and Mina Polen




by Karin Heyer


Long ago the same moon and
the same sun lay before us,
just like now and
and the three-strand rainbow bridge
that spanned then
from Asgard to Midgard
was meant for men
to fight and walk across
into a future life!

What life?
A life where the elves of light
should shine over the dark,
where men become real, visible men
with sharp wits and a feeling heart,
responsible for their actions:
accept the cross,
live for love and peace
to all men.




by Mina Polen


it might be just a dream
a little voice small and fair
a blinding sun inside of you

it might be just a parasite
………………………an idea
a voice that it isn’t there

something at every step
something that you might deny
something that you might follow

it might be just a cloud
something like a blinding mist

it might be just a maggot
a little bit of light ……….moving
something that you might ignore.




Find out more about Karin and Mina here:

Karin Heyer

Contact ArtiPeeps

Mina Polen



As always, thank you for your interest.



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