Comfort Collaboration (Poetry/Art) #3

27 Nov


Creatives Making A Difference

  ‘Supporting Mental Health’

Comfort Collaboration

Comfort: 1. a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. 2. consolation for grief or anxiety.

Welcome to the third and final collaboration in a 5 week, fortnightly engagement with the notion of comfort.  Comfort is something we all need and often, curiously, find hard to get (either from ourselves or others). For this particular collaboration we have paired 3 artists and 3 poets together. Each poet/artist pair, in contrast to  our fear/trust collaboration have been working on the  single theme of comfort. The words and the images working together in  a  uniform exploration of the  texture and nuances of this basic human need. The poets and artists have been exchanging ideas over a number of weeks and what you’ll be seeing as the weeks pass is the diverse expression of that exchange.
 It’s our intention that these collaborations will form an online resource which will  potentially bring comfort, provide an innovative  means to engage with difficult feelings, and ultimately to provide access to information about mental health in a stimulating manner. The idea is that we will also eventually group these collaborations together into exhibitions and installations to further promote public awareness and engagement with these issues. Your feedback on this project would be very much welcomed.


This week’s collaboration features:

 Atalina Marie Homan (Artist) & 

Rebecca Audra Smith (Poet) 




Butterfly by Atalina Marie Homan



by Rebecca Audra Smith


Butterfly 2 by Rebecca Audra Smith

Please click on the poem to enlarge


You can find out more about Atalina and Rebecca here:


Atalina Marie Homan

Atalina Marie Homan is an artist, poet and writer. Born to a Polynesian mother and English father in the late seventies, she is inspired by both western and eastern culture.

Atalina’s approach to the arts is both expressive and spiritual. Her current portfolio includes a unique series of silhouette drawings, inspired by the wonders of nature and artistic traditions of the pacific that often contain a symbolic or storytelling element.

Atalina studied photography and graphic design and after developing an interest in eastern philosophy and meditation, has recently completed a Bachelors Degree in Metaphysical Science.

Atalina lives along the coast of England with her husband and three children and is currently working on her first book, ‘Love Says’, An inspirational collection of prose poetry written in the spirit of love.

 “I find the arts to be an expression of the soul, a way to both celebrate our journey and explore the illuminating landscape of our emotions. It is incredibly empowering to experience our ability to create, express and manifest our visions and dreams. We all have this ability and use it in many ways in our daily lives, visual creation in the arts simply brings that potential to our conscious awareness, that’s powerful!”


Rebecca Audra Smith

Rebecca Audra Smith has just finished a Masters in Creative Writing: Poetry at Manchester Metropolitan University. Her poems have been featured in Loose Muse’s fourth anthology, Cadaverine’s online magazine, and Now Then Manchester. She is one third of the Stirred feminist collective based in Manchester.

You can find her at





2 Responses to “Comfort Collaboration (Poetry/Art) #3”


  1. Comfort Multiform Collaboration (Poetry/Art) #3 | Atalina Marie Homan - November 27, 2013

    […] Comfort Multiform Collaboration (Poetry/Art) #3. […]

  2. Poetry & Art Collaboration | Atalina Marie Homan - December 8, 2013

    […] […]

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